administrative law

  1. administrative law

As a consequence of a negative decision your request for subsidy will be rejected. Subsidy will not be granted due to substantive or financial grounds. The government agency will reject an application if there is reason to think that for example:

  • Project does not match with policy goals;
  • You will not or not completely execute the planned activities;
  • You will not comply with subsidy obligations. 

Furthermore it is possible that you need to test whether your organisation is receiving state aid. Also a consortium agreement with your project partners is requested when you cooperate (inter)nationally and receive financing and subsidy for such purpose.

There are some examples of circumstances in which we can provide legal support to you as follows:  

  • Administrative Law appeal

- Feasibility test to assess chance of success of an Administrative Law appeal procedure.
- Prepare and file notice of appeal. Representation at hearing.

  • State aid

Test whether your project meets state aid regulation in order to prevent refund at a later stage.

  • Consortium

- Monitoring of the compliance by all partners (the consortium) to meet the obligations of the European Commission (EC) for example.
- Supervision of the participation of all partners in the agreement (Grant Agreement).
- Prepare, conclude and manage agreement between the partners (Consortium Agreement) with respect to agreements about issues such as dissemination of knowledge, IP management and settlement of internal disputes.